By Chuck Baldwin
July 29, 2003
It's time to say it: the two major parties
hold a death grip on the American people!
Instead of representing the people, both parties
are bought and paid for by special interest
groups. Neither party pays any attention to the
U.S. Constitution but are largely marching in
lock-step toward bigger and bigger government.
Both Republicans and Democrats eagerly sacrifice
what's good for the country with what's good for
the party. As they now exist, neither major
party deserves the support of patriotic
Furthermore, blind allegiance to the two
major parties has created a "lesser of two
evils" mindset that has warped the thinking and
perverted the values of otherwise good people.
What people would never accept in any other
venue of society, they gladly and willingly
accept from their chosen party's candidates.
People expect honesty and integrity from
clergymen, bankers, doctors, businessmen,
realtors, even journalists and used car
salesmen. Those same people, however, quickly
tolerate and even excuse dishonesty and
chicanery from their chosen political party.
Consider the excuse conservatives give for
President Bush's recent announcement that he
supports the Clinton gun ban. Rather than
holding Bush accountable for his inexcusable
statement, they rush to his defense by saying,
"Bush is just saying this to placate moderates.
He doesn't really mean it." What they don't stop
to consider is that if they are correct, G.W.
Bush is a liar!...
It is clear,
therefore, that conservatives are more than
willing to support and defend someone they
believe to be deliberately lying. In other
words, it doesn't matter to them whether Bush
tells the truth or not. He has an "R" behind his
name and, therefore, they will support him.
However, the same people who will justify
dishonesty in the lives of their favored party's
politicians would never accept such conduct from
anyone else. Furthermore, many of these
conservatives actually call themselves
Christians; many are preachers. They preach and
teach the virtues of honesty and integrity. What
is even more amazing is that they find no
inconsistency with what they are doing.
In his Farewell Address, our first and
greatest President, George Washington,
loquaciously lobbied the American people to
guard against over-infatuation with political
parties. Anyone reading his warnings today will
be impressed with his insight and sagacity.
Virtually everything he predicted has come to
pass. Blind loyalty to political parties has
corrupted our public institutions, blinded the
hearts and minds of the American people, and
opened wide the door to undue foreign influence.
If everyone who believes and teaches honesty
and accountability would put it into practice
when they walk into the voting booth, we could
put a stop to this pathetic practice of electing
dishonest and despicable people to high public
office. Instead of hiding their own character
and integrity under the bushel basket of party
partisanship, voters could be proud of the fact
that are actually helping to set the ship of
state aright by helping to elect men and women
of honesty and character.
Though I do not share this opinion, many
people believe Abraham Lincoln to be one of
America's greatest presidents. Personal opinion
aside, it is a fact that Lincoln's election and
subsequent influence upon this country was huge.
Therefore, it is more than significant to
realize that Lincoln was first elected from a
four- person ticket with less than 40% of the
vote! So much for the importance of receiving a
majority vote.
In practically every presidential election,
there are candidates from a variety of
independent or "third" parties on the ballot. To
ignore them merely because they are not
Republicans or Democrats is absurd! If a worthy
candidate cannot be found within the two major
parties (and they are becoming increasingly
harder to find), voters should look to
alternative parties.
Remember, the object is to elect honest and
honorable leaders for our country, not to
promote and protect the private agendas of the
fat cats who control the two major
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